While reading a book today I learned a new word that I would like to share with you. Synesthesia. It is a mingling of senses; that is, with this ability one can smell the colour red. It can be psychological or even emotional. It is a more unusual or higher sensory description skill/condition. Some composers, artists, and even some writers possess this skill/condition and these are people who are are termed synesthetes. On that note:
to further learn what it is here is the link:
Thanksgiving, 2024
3 months ago
In August 2004 ERNIE 4 was brought into service in anticipation of an increase in the number of prizes to be allocated each month from September. ERNIE 4 was developed by LogicaCMG, is 500 times as fast as the original ERNIE and generates a million premium bond numbers an hour; these are then checked against a list of valid bonds to determine the winning bonds before any prizes are awarded. By comparison, the original ERNIE generated 2000 numbers an hour and was the size of a van.
your blog are interesting love your cover photo its inspiring..
Synesthesia is a condition in which stimulation of one sense automatically evokes a perception in an unstimulated sense (e.g. the sound of a bell triggers seeing the color blue). The most common forms of synesthesia involve written words, letters, digits, and/or auditory stimuli.
People with developmental synesthesia typically report having the condition for as long as they can remember, and generally cannot provide an explanation or an account of how they may have learned how to associate the experiences. Individuals with acquired synesthesia report first experiencing synesthesia later in life after taking hallucinogenic drugs, or after a neurological condition such as epileptic seizures.
One theory suggests children learn to associate numbers or letter with colors, possibly to aid memory. This account of synesthesia cannot by itself explain why siblings with synesthesia reared in similar environments report different colors for the same inducer, or experience different variants of synesthesia.
Interesting! Although synesthesia has been known about for 200 years, it is only in the past decade or so that substantial progress has been made in studying it empirically and in understanding the mechanisms that give rise to it. The first part of the review considers the characteristics of synesthesia: its elicited nature, automaticity, prevalence, and consistency, and its perceptual and spatial phenomenology. The second part considers the causes of synesthesia both in terms of candidate neural mechanisms and the distal influences that shape this: genetic differences in developmental synesthesia and plasticity following sensory loss in acquired synesthesia. The final part considers developmental synesthesia as an individual difference in cognition and summarizes evidence of its influence on perception, imagery, memory, art/creativity, and numeracy.
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