If you love reading then be sure to read the following useful information:
Read-it-first is a practical program wherein you get to "try before you buy." Books that is. How? St. Martin's Press offers Read-it-first with the editor Suzanne Beecher delivering a sizzling new "in bookstores now" or a pre-released title straight to your email address every Monday morning. Throughout the week you are guaranteed to receive a few more chapters of the title. Then you decide whether to pass on or to purchase the entire book wherever it is you buy your books from. Furthermore, Suzanne begins with "Dear Reader," and then she launches into a personal anecdote. The free read follows. For example, this week the book is "The Christmas Journey" by Donna Van Liere. Additionally you can take a look at some stats on Read-it-first at http://www.trendscape.com/site/read-it-first.com
In fact what are the benefits of this reading program?
It is easy
It is free
It is a time-saver
It is a great email book club
It is concentrated as there is only one title to read per week
Sometimes the titles correspond with the holidays
There are no annoying ads or popups as with some free read websites so you get good clean reads in your inbox
There are a variety of genres delivered to you
You can store the reads in your own Read-it-first folder
You can discover new authors with new stories to tell
You can also enter the contests to win delightful novels
"A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." ~Chinese Proverb~
Really. Who does not like to sample products or services before a purchase?
Now if you are in pursuit of something to read with your coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, or if you need a good quite read while kids nap, or you have at least five extra minutes to spare then I urge you to sign up at Read-it-first.
Read-it-first receives nine bookmarks in my books!
Thanksgiving, 2024
3 months ago
Above the articles are wonderful comments. Most of the points are real effects in our life. Each and every movement live your style. Not follow others.
I like chocolate very much. Really it is very nice to read. Keep on posting...
That proverb..
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